Source code for pytaxa.taxa.hierarchy

from ..utils import *
import copy
from ..ranks_ref import *
from .taxon import Taxon
from ..constructors import *

[docs]class Hierarchy(object): """ Hierarchy class Stores one or more `taxon` objects. Prints first 10 taxa for brevity sake. We make a deep copy of the input to `Hierarchy` so that `pop`/`pick`/etc operations don't change the inputs to `Hierarchy`. The deep copy is made at initialization, so if you don't re-initialize changes made to the hierarchy by `pop`/`pick`/etc persist. :param taxa: Any number of objects of type `Taxon` resulting from a call to :func:`~pytaxa.taxa.Taxon` :return: object of class Hierarchy see also :ref:`hierarchy-methods` Usage:: from pytaxa import constructors as cs from pytaxa import Taxon # database to use for many taxon's db = cs.taxon_database("ncbi", "", "NCBI Taxonomy Database", "*") # make some taxon's tx1 = Taxon(cs.taxon_name("Poaceae"), cs.taxon_rank("family", "ncbi"), cs.taxon_id(4479, db)) tx2 = Taxon(cs.taxon_name("Poa"), cs.taxon_rank("genus", "ncbi"), cs.taxon_id(12345, db)) tx3 = Taxon(cs.taxon_name("Poa annua"), cs.taxon_rank("species", "ncbi"), cs.taxon_id(93036, db)) # single taxon from pytaxa import Hierarchy Hierarchy(tx1) # many taxon's z = Hierarchy(tx3, tx1, tx2) z z.taxa z.ranklist # various accessors ## length - i.e., number of taxa z.xlen len(z) # empty Hierarchies Hierarchy(Taxon({})) # pop, pick, span ## example Hierarchy objects from pytaxa import examples examples.eg_hierarchy("poa") examples.eg_hierarchy("puma") examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ## pop ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pop(ranks = "family") ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pop(names = "Salmo") ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pop(ids = 331030) ## pick ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex ex.pick(ranks = "family") ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pick(names = ["Salmo", "Chordata", "Teleostei"]) ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pick(ids = 331030) """ def __init__(self, *taxa: Taxon): super(Hierarchy, self).__init__() self.taxa = copy.deepcopy(taxa) self.ranklist = None self.xlen = len(taxa) all_have_ranks = no_nones([z.rank.get("name") for z in taxa]) if all_have_ranks: self.taxa = self.__sort_hierarchy(taxa) else: self.taxa = taxa def __repr__(self): hier = "<Hierarchy>\n " if len(self.taxa) == 0: txt = "Empty hierarchy\n " elif self.taxa[0].is_empty(): txt = "Empty hierarchy\n " else: z = [z.print_taxon() for z in self.taxa[:10]] no_taxa = "no. taxon's: %d\n " % len(self.taxa) txt = '\n '.join(z) return hier + txt def __len__(self): return self.xlen def __sort_hierarchy(self, x): if (len(x) == 0): return(x) ranks = [z.rank.get("name") for z in x] for w in ranks: if w not in self.__poss_ranks(): raise ValueError(w + " not in the acceptable set of rank names") self.ranklist = list(unique(flatten([ which_ranks(f) for f in ranks ]))) return [x[i] for i in argsort(self.ranklist)] @staticmethod def __poss_ranks(): rks = ranks_ref() allrks = [x.split(',') for x in rks.values()] tmp = list(set(flatten(allrks))) tmp.sort() return tmp
[docs] def all_empty(self): """ Check if all taxa are empty :return: bool """ return all([z.is_empty() for z in self.taxa])
[docs] def pop(self, ranks = [], names = [], ids = []): """ Pop out certain taxa by ranks, names, or ids :param ranks: rank names as `str` :param names: taxonomic names as `str` :param ids: taxonomic identifiers as `str` or `int` :return: self, object of class Hierarchy Usage:: from pytaxa import examples ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pop(ranks = "family") """ if self.all_empty(): raise ValueError("no taxa found") if (not any([ranks, names, ids])): raise ValueError("one of 'ranks', 'names', or 'ids' must be used") if type(ranks) == str: ranks = [ranks] if type(names) == str: names = [names] if type(ids) == int: ids = [ids] self.taxa = [w for w in self.taxa if w.rank.get('name') not in ranks and'name') not in names and'id') not in ids] self.taxa = self.__sort_hierarchy(self.taxa) self.xlen = len(self.taxa) return self
[docs] def pick(self, ranks = None, names = None, ids = None): """ Pick certain taxa by ranks, names, or ids :param ranks: rank names as `str` :param names: taxonomic names as `str` :param ids: taxonomic identifiers as `str` or `int` :return: self, object of class Hierarchy Usage:: from pytaxa import examples ex = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") ex.pick(names = ["Salmo", "Chordata", "Teleostei"]) """ if self.all_empty(): raise ValueError("no taxa found") if (not any([ranks, names, ids])): raise ValueError("one of 'ranks', 'names', or 'ids' must be used") self.taxa = [ w for w in self.taxa if self.__inbool(w.rank.get('name'), ranks) or self.__inbool('name'), names) or self.__inbool('id'), int2str(ids)) ] self.taxa = self.__sort_hierarchy(self.taxa) self.xlen = len(self.taxa) return self
@staticmethod def __inbool(x, y): # flatten list, ints converted to str x = str(x) if isinstance(x, int) else x x = [x] return False if x is None or y is None else any([z for z in x if z in y])
[docs]class Hierarchies(object): """ Hierarchies class Stores one or more `Hierarchy` objects. Prints first 10 Hierarchy's for brevity. We make a deep copy of the input to `Hierarchies` so that `pop`/`pick`/etc operations don't change the inputs to `Hierarchies`. The deep copy is made at initialization, so if you don't re-initialize changes made to the hierarchies by `pop`/`pick`/etc persist. :param hir: Any number of objects of type `Hierarchy` resulting from a call to :func:`~pytaxa.taxa.Hierarchy` :return: object of class Hierarchy Usage:: ## example Hierarchy objects from pytaxa import examples ex1 = examples.eg_hierarchy("poa") ex2 = examples.eg_hierarchy("puma") ex3 = examples.eg_hierarchy("salmo") # make Hierarchies object from pytaxa import Hierarchies x = Hierarchies(ex1, ex2, ex3) x # use pop/pick/span across all Hierarchy's from pytaxa import Hierarchies x = Hierarchies(ex1, ex2, ex3) x x.pop(ranks = "family") x.pop(ranks = "genus") x.pick(ranks = ["genus", "species"]) x.pick(ranks = ["family", "species"]) """ def __init__(self, *hir: Hierarchy): super(Hierarchies, self).__init__() self.hir = copy.deepcopy(hir) def __repr__(self): hier = "<Hierarchies>\n " if len(self.hir) == 0: txt = "no. hierarchies: 0\n " elif self.hir[0].all_empty(): txt = "no. hierarchies: 0\n " else: z = [self.print_names(z) for z in self.hir[:10]] no_taxa = "no. hierarchies: %d\n " % len(self.hir) txt = no_taxa + '\n '.join(z) return hier + txt def __len__(self): return len(self.hir) @staticmethod def print_names(x): return ' / '.join([str('name')) or "" for w in x.hir]) def pop(self, ranks = None, names = None, ids = None): self.hir = [w.pop(ranks, names, ids) for w in self.hir] return self def pick(self, ranks = None, names = None, ids = None): self.hir = [w.pick(ranks, names, ids) for w in self.hir] return self